Welcome To The Itchenor Society

Our Mission

Itchenor Society’s mission is to keep village residents up to date with local events along with maintaining and protecting the character and environment of the Parish of West Itchenor. 

Our Village

 The village lies within the Chichester Harbour area of Outstanding Natural Beauty within West Sussex. The ancient “Hard” is home to the Harbour Conservancy HQ and is the only place in the harbour for the launching and landing of trailered boats at all states of tide in addition to having a floating pontoon and swing moorings. There is a Conservation area that runs from the Church to the water’s edge. 


The village is accessed via a narrow road without pavements and limited parking facilities which restricts traffic to the principle activities – The Church, Memorial Hall, Sailing Club, Ship Inn and Northshore Marine. Heavy traffic travelling on the road presents a hazard for the walking residents and cyclists who use the Salterns Way which also uses the road. Visitors should bear this in mind when planning a visit to the village.


We cherish our special place.


About the Society

The Society was established in 1989 to challenge a major development that would have changed the character of the village. Since then, the Society has continued to defend planning applications which would have had a detrimental effect on the village. Within our community are 270 households. 

The Society is funded by annual subscriptions, donations and fundraising events for the benefit of local causes and to assist the Parish, such as the Church, the Memorial Hall and local charities. 


The committee meets as required to discuss current issues and planning. We produce regular emails and village updates and our AGM is held each November when officers are elected followed by a social evening. 


All residents are encouraged to subscribe and become part of village life. All members are welcome to suggest matters for our attention by contacting the secretary. If you would like to take part in the Society committee please get in touch

Committee Officers